While every path to success is different, taking that first step is invariably the toughest one. Deciding to start a new business, laying out a plan, and plunging ahead with those first formative decisions are always shrouded in uncertainty, indecision and, fundamentally, a certain level of fear. Of course, the best way to harness those fears is to step forward in the company of someone who’s walked that path before and can help guide you over some of the rougher patches.  Kim Perell has the battle scars to prove her time served on that hard road. With her Kim Perell’s Side Hustle Accelerator Course ($29.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals) learners not only receive guidance in avoiding some of those wounds, but it can also help anyone interested in being their own boss find the side hustle that fits for them and get that work-for-yourself dream underway. Kim Perell has the resume to help put worries of failure to bed. After going from broke and unemployed to launching her first company and becoming a multimillionaire by the age of 30, Perell used those skills to become an early stage investor in over 80 companies. 16 of those firms ended up acquisitions by up to Fortune 500 level companies. Perell’s last self-owned company made her $235 million when she finally sold. In this collection of 28 lectures, Perell dispenses the fruits of her knowledge, laying out a step-by-step guide for getting a side hustle off the ground.  And even just the desire to start your own thing is a good enough starting point for this training. Through the course, Perell helps students identify their strengths, pinpoint anything that might be holding them back, and develop any new skills necessary to achieve both professional and personal success.

For those who still find themselves hazy, there’s even a directory included of 100 different side hustles that could be just the right fit for any budding entrepreneur. There’s valuable training here in how to identify your ideal customers, how to connect with those potential customers, as well as 11 tips for success and strategies for overcoming the fear of failure that can kill many enterprises before they even get started. Plus, the whole package also comes with a subscription to your own business higher learning course: a year of Entrepreneur Magazine. A nearly $900 value, Kim Perell’s Side Hustle Accelerator Course: Start Your Side Hustle Today is on sale now at over 90 percent off its regular price, only $29.99 as part of this offer. Prices are subject to change.